Retreat & Retrieve

I’m writing this week’s article from 35,000 feet on my way to Minneapolis for a retreat with my coach and mastermind group. Retreats are interesting for me because I almost always have some “breakdown” occur before, during or afterwards that ultimately allows me to...

Middle Mind Myth #3

These are the myths that keep us stuck in the middle.  That crazy-making place of mediocrity, fogginess, and dashed dreams.  I’m dropping some Inner Voice BombsTM to explode these myths and help us all move out of the middle and into becoming thought-leaders in...

Are You A POB?

It’s Veterans Day here in the States, and to be honest until very recently I hadn’t thought much about what that meant.  It wasn’t until seeing my son’s 2nd grade assembly yesterday in celebration of all that Veterans and soldiers who are...

Freedom Fighter

Last night, Dewey Bozella, a man wrongly accused of murder some 30 years ago won the Arthur Ashe award on the ESPY’s.  While I didn’t see his acceptance speech, my husband shared it with me-and I just watched the video about him and his life (see it here...