Your Majesty: Gate 34 in Human Design what I learned from watching The Crown on Netflix

Queen Elizabeth on The Crown source: Netflix

👑 👸The Crown: Love her or not, and whether the details they share in that show are all totally accurate or not, the story of Queen Elizabeth and the Royal family is FASCINATING.


I learned so much from binge-watching that show on Netflix, but perhaps what I came to understand the most is the difference between FORCE and MAJESTY. Between what true power is, and what it is not.


I learned how subtle an energy it really is and how, paradoxically, it is more potent when used correctly and harnessed vs. when it is expressed outwardly towards others…



🔥Gate 34: The POWER  Energy Valve*


That’s what gate 34 is all about. Pure raw sacral, life-force power.


It’s in individual circuitry: Its nature is independent, individual, ‘selfish’. This about individual power: Power that is used for the person who possesses it, who THEN operates or acts from this grounded, centered, self-empowered frequency.


In shadow, 34 carries the vibration of FORCE.


In its highest expression, it is the frequency of MAJESTY.


Stay with me here, because it could be really easy to get into judgement about hierarchical and archaic structures of the patriarchy and all that. I invite you to relax your mind and hold in abeyance your judgements, fears, and beliefs about power and whether or not kings and queens and the tribal bargains and hierarchies that hold these systems of rulership in place are a thing of the past.


The fact is that the frequencies which have held these hierarchies in place for centuries are transmuting. So, there’s really no need to get stuck on whether or not they need to change or that they oppress people, the change and dismantling is already underway and again is changing in all areas of life: government, education, healthcare, religion, business, etc.


That said, there is great beauty and wisdom in these systems because they are at once archetypal AND part of how humanity organizes itself. There is a pattern and energy underneath all of this, and Human Design shows us what that pattern and energy is and how it evolves over time in humanity.


Nothing is inherently good or bad, right or wrong, it is just differences in frequency. And when we are in the lower frequency state it’s shadow. In the highest frequency expression, it is exalted. When we look at the energies underneath these forms (through the lens of Human Design and how the mechanics of energy creates our reality) there is, like all aspects of design, a beauty and harmony in both the highest and lowest frequency expressions.


 They are, after all, similar energies – just differing again in their frequency or vibration.


Back to power and Queen Elizabeth…



🤔 A few things to ponder:


➡️ The queen is Sovereign. That means she possesses supreme power.


She is an embodiment of this supreme power. The key word is EMBODIMENT. She is the physical, 100 % human form of the 100% spirit aspect we all possess.


The hierarchy is God –> Queen –> Church –> Everyone else


There is no one above the Queen except God. How does that relate to you?


Again, we are moving away from hierarchies. The frequencies that hold these systems in place are dissolving and transmuting. This means you, me, and everyone on this planet, is capable of being sovereign.


Sovereign over or with what you ask?


Our energy.


In trait 34, specifically, it is pure raw life force energy. Remember: it’s individual. It’s not for anyone else. When we leak it, give it away, or generally misuse it to force life to surrender to our whims and entitlements then we are in that shadow state (It’s also a ridiculous and exhausting battle as life and life’s terms will always put us back in our place sooner or later!)

 Human Design Gate 34

When we use this energy correctly, in a healthy and self-empowered way, we become sovereign. We work directly WITH spirit to co-create. We don’t try to force things to happen with our will or our mind or even (especially) with physical action.


We step into and become true flow – and this is one aspect of Majesty.


We each possess a direct ‘vertical’ connection to GUS (God/dess Universe Source). When we give our power away ‘horizontally’ it’s typically because we are getting caught up in the drama and power struggles with others, or where we are giving away our power to some outside force, like a coach, a program, a guru, religion, expert, or other construct that blocks our true and direct connection to our own inner authority and GUS.


Over and over (for better or worse) the Queen didn’t “do” anything. She held her energy. I call it “holding the pole”. She never slumped. She sat upright, with a backbone (gate 10); she was present (gate 20), and she kept breathing and centering herself and following her own intuitive knowing (gate 57) about the right course of action.


(10, 20, 57 – These are all gates which are connected to the 34).


She said few words. She didn’t need to say more because she had the full aura of her sovereignty behind her. That’s majesty.


She didn’t “process” with people. She held her energy and they respected it. There is something beautiful in the simplicity of this – especially in a world where we often feel the need over-explain ourselves when we are simply acting out of our own self-empowerment – or even worse, make some apology for owning our power.


What a mess this creates – especially in marketing and other forms of communication.



➡️ She is literally called “Your Majesty”. While it is a role, it’s much more than that.


She grappled with this often: the duality of being 100% human as a mother, wife, sister, daughter, niece, ruler and the other part: Being “spokesperson” for 100% spirit – in this case the Christian God.


There are royal rules and customs, ways of behaving, that conserve, preserve, and serve her energy so she can “hold the pole” and carry the energy of Majesty.


She knew it wasn’t just a position or role that gives her power, but rather dozens of small actions or inactions that allowed her to keep the air of majesty alive.


Why? because she is the living embodiment of this.


She can’t be a hot mess – at least not in the public eye.


She, for better or worse, had to make extremely difficult choices: Choices that impacted her family and those closest to her and their mental and emotional health – all to hold and template a higher ideal and essence: sovereignty and majesty.


I’m not here to judge or pick those choices apart, merely to point out that we must ALL make difficult choices to honor own energy and “hold our pole” and sometimes choose the unpopular choice for something that is greater than we can explain, or even know.


As I said, 34 is individual power. It can look selfish – and frankly is meant to be.


But there is a difference (again in frequency and consciousness) between being a selfish, cruel, narcissistic, a-hole and the opposite whereupon one is conserving and stewarding this power for oneself because one knows when one does one can actually serve more, create greater, and have a bigger positive impact for all by taking care of one’s own energy above all else.


This is perhaps the most misunderstood and potent form of radical self-care there is.


What is really the essence here?


Obviously even the queen wasn’t perfect in carrying majesty all the time (though just from watching this show she really did a fabulous job of templating it pretty darn well I’d say!)


It’s not about perfection. Far from it.


It is about embodying our Sovereign energy. To move away from the helpless and/or entitled child (just look at all the examples of that around her in her family!) or those who tried to use brute force (mentally, emotionally, or with their position of power) like some other royal family members or even Prime Minister/Cabinet members.


We can see how this all plays out here in the Unites States and other countries as well…


As I said, there’s a LOT I learned about design, and in particular gate/energy valve 34 from watching the Crown – and I highly recommend the show – even if just for entertainment and a history lesson!


But most of all, watch with an eye for what true majesty and power look like – the essence of these things – and see if you can embody some of that self-respect and self-empowerment in your own life and business today.


You deserve respect, we all do.


You have a direct connection to GUS, we all do.


You are the only one who can competently steward your own energy. That is no one else’s responsibility but yours. Own your sovereignty and treat it with respect and you’ll know majesty because you’ll be embodying it too.



*If you are a Generator or Manifesting-Generator Type, join us in the Sacral Warrior Activation coming up Dec 9-18th, 2020. You’ll gain more insights and wake up to the potency in your sacral center and each of the 9 Energy Valves there. I’ll see you there, your Majesty. 😉


Join us for the 9-Day Activation here:

And learn more about the 12-week Intensive here:


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