The #1 Regret Of The Dying

What do you think the #1 regret shared by the dying is? I wish I had a bigger house. (Nope.) I wish I had a faster car. (Not even close.) I would have liked to have had more money. (Um…No.) I wish I had bigger boobs, less wrinkles, and a butt that was so perky...

BE Love!

In today’s “article” I discuss the 5th aspect of the Inner Voice: Embodiment. Tying all the aspects together is embodiment. It’s fully surrendering, receiving, allowing, listening to, speaking from, acting from, choosing from, and enrolling others into your heart-felt...

Scared Blind

I had the stye from hell. It was so big and annoying. It wouldn’t go away. I had it for a whole month and now it’s finally diminished enough to say it’s healed up. My eyelid was so swollen I could hardly see for a couple days. The eye doctor said I might have to have...