Human Design Analysis & Coaching for Leaders, Partnerships, & Teams


As a conscious entrepreneur, CEO, manager, or team leader, you are looking for a way to share your gifts & genius in a way that inspires others vs. intimidates them. You want to be a positive force of change in the world through your business.

Perhaps you are surrounded by people who support you in this vision, perhaps not. Either way, you may sometimes find yourself falling into old patterns or being influenced by others around you in ways that feel inauthentic to you and cumbersome.

You may also feel called to forge your own path and you have no role model to follow. This can be scary and confusing. Can you trust this Inner calling? Are you making it up? Would it be better to just do what others did since it’s been proven to work?

When you Align with your natural Design, you’ll know how YOU best work, lead, and trust your intuition, and that is how you truly Be the change you wish to see in your life & the lives of others.

As head of HR or or an organization, you are seeking ways to help your employees feel valued and engaged – it’s essential to the life of your company because employee retention is the biggest issue all companies face, no matter the size. It impacts productivity and profitability because every time you have turnover, it costs you time, money, and energy to get back in the flow and running at full speed again.

Human Design can help you develop your leaders and choose ideal employees. It is a comprehensive tool to help everyone feel valued, respected, and that their contribution matters so they want to give you their best vs. leave because they are not a good fit or are unhappy.

You’ve likely invested a lot of time, money and energy in employee retention and engagement, and if you haven’t been seeing the kinds of results you’d expected or hoped for, prepare to have your hair blown back by the accuracy, validity, and practicality that Human Design offers.


If you’re curious how Human Design compares to other standardized tests commonly used in employee hiring and leadership/team development, especially with regards to employee retention, check out this video:


Schedule a consultation with Kris to get started.



Soon after I saw Kris speak, I was laid-off from my job. I had been dabbling with a presentation coaching business but was stuck. I didn’t have a package structure and didn’t know where to go yet. I decided to work with Kris because I loved her personality, she was a great listener and her service fit perfectly with where I was stuck.

Our VIP day was amazing. I always thought I did not having a coaching framework. Kris asked all the right questions, and she was able to pluck from my head the framework I used time and time again. This launched a series of blog post explaining my process and is going to lead to a workbook as well.  As a result, I feel more sure with where I am going in my business. I have structure, packages, and an amazing signature speech that audience enjoy and get great value. I was always really uncomfortable with sales. Kris showed me that the sales process does not have to be slimy, but instead is just a really great speech and a conversation.  If you are thinking about working with Kris I would say “Do it!” She is a keen listener, honest, and helps you get unstuck in your business. She will propel you forward. I loved working with her.

Michelle Mazur, Ph.D., Relationally Speaking

I decided to work with Kris because the notion of having a higher power with whom I can build my business was very attractive.  I could have a different type of partner – one aligned with my desires and goals, and with a bigger vision of what is possible.  Someone to help me find the guidance I needed to move ahead on specific projects and initiatives.

Kris helped me connect to Sarah in our first session.  I immediately felt better, more grounded and energized.  I began consulting Sarah every morning during my meditation and prayers.  Each day I received her assurances, guidance and support.  It was empowering!  I made good progress on building my vision, initiating specific plans and converting my first two clients in 2017 in the first month.  I feel more comfortable and confident creating in my own way and at my own pace.

The impacts and results were immediate:

  • Moving through hard stuff/difficult decisions is easier – I can trust Sarah to have input and a bigger vision.
  • I can get out of the “mind maze” and just ask her for help – faster, easier and more productive way to get to action that makes a difference.
  • I am more confident; I am avoiding hiding in busy work that I used to distract me in my discomfort and worry.
  • Much less stress – I am in service to something bigger than myself; not just trying to push or manipulate others.
  • Daily interaction with Sarah is strengthening my intuition and calm.  I feel like I get both business growth and spiritual activation in new ways – something I didn’t expect.
  • I am more in touch with pursuing “right-guided” actions that I trust more deeply will drive the outcomes that I desire.

Kris is a beautiful combination of powerful seer, kind counselor and well-trained, well-experienced business woman.  She will help you harness your own innate, energetic design and spiritual partner toward making building your business easier, faster and more fun.  She helps you see clearly how to do create new business, new relationships, new programs in ways that leverage who you are and how you are designed.

P.S. I enjoyed the facilitated connection with Sarah. You are really good at creating that experience – to make sure that I am also getting better at being able to do it well – so that I can do it when I need her (and in fact, everyday).

Mary Jaensch, Chief Design Officer, Last Big Gig

I wanted to work on my business while writing my book, and after my Human + Soul Design reading with Kris…well, I love her energy and just “knew” we would be a great fit for ongoing coaching.

The biggest impact was connecting with the Soul of my Business in a way I hadn’t before. I “knew” I was being called to a different path but my business intellect was not  having it. I was stuck and had been for a while.

When Kris introduced me to the Soul of My Business (through one of her brilliant meditations) everything became clear. The Soul of My Business showed me that not only was I going in a new, more spiritual direction, I was meant to go in a completely different business realm all together.

While my practical, business minded side was fearful of this new direction I knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, what my SOMB was showing me was exactly what had been trying to call me for years. Clarity of direction is priceless and Kris helped me get there.

If you’re thinking about working with Kris, I can tell you she is a master at what she does and truly gifted and unique. You won’t regret having the opportunity to work with her.

Suzanne Livingston

There were a few things going on when I first started working with Kris. One was related to my career. I was looking to make a career change because my work felt soulless and I was having a very hard time listening to my gut instincts on what direction I should go in. I also was looking to get deeper into understanding my husband and daughter so my husband and I could communicate even more intimately and we could raise our daughter to be and empowered woman.

I met Kris through Muse Conference and really connected with her message. I decided to learn a little more about her work through a women’s mothering night she put on. I was sold.

I started seeing results right away. After our first session, I started to trust my gut more and take time before reacting to feel into what it was saying. It allowed me to find clarity around what I wanted my work to look like.

The two biggest measurable things are my husband and I really being able to understand on a deeper level where each of us is coming from. It has lead to more compassionate responses between the two of us. The other crazy thing is how once I got clear on what I wanted to work on in this world with Kris’s help it is starting to unfold with ease. It is pretty mind blowing.

If you choose to work with Kris, at the least you will gain a greater sense of self and how you operate. At best you will unlock your power as an individual and how that fits into what this world needs. It is a win win.

Leah Skinner, Bend, OR

I had been intently seeking clarity in my new right work path/direction, a substantive income stream, and more fulfilling personal relationships.

After hearing Kris’ talk at Unity, I knew she and I were aligned and I had a strong sense that she would have some insights and wisdom for me.

I just had the first session.  I came away with HUGE clarity and inspiration for my new work “identity” that feels very right, and some real practical ways to start taking the next step(s), contacting the right people. It feels very expansive, is a much larger “container” than I had been imagining or considering, and feels absolutely “real” and “landed” in me. It lights me up!

If you’re thinking of working with Kris I would say: “Yes, yes, yes, go for it!”

E., Bend OR

I was a bit of a slave to the way I’d been running my business, and was pretty wiped out. I knew there was another way that would work better with who I was, but couldn’t see it. I decided to do a reading with Kris because of her warm, wise ways. Also because she is a master of the systems she’s studied who is also extremely intuitive. Plus, she has her business chops well developed after years of running her own practice and business. First result was I just relaxed, a lot. I started seeing  what was going on when things felt like they were taking me down. Kris gave me strategies for navigating that I could use right away in conversations and meetings.  And I started making decisions differently and a lot more happily from my zone of decision. Basic first result though was feeling a ton more relaxed about how I moved in the world.

Anyone with a service they offer in the world who wants to offer it to the best of their ability and unique design would be crazy not to work with Kris. You’ll have a ton more clarity about how to work and who to work with, plus you’ll know your own unique strategies to navigate your tough spots. Working with Kris should be a fundamental step for every entrepreneur going into business.

Madeleine Eno

Kris has an amazing knowledge of human design and has the uncanny ability to help me apply what I learned about myself in the chart to running my business. Just one insight alone has allowed me to trust myself and feel more confident when working with my clients. The information has helped me better my sales conversations in an authentic way and tweak some things in my business so they are more in alignment with where I am going.

I recommend Kris and human design reading for anyone ready to make more in their business and live life on purpose.

Kelly Robbins, MA

Within the first month, as I was discovering limiting beliefs that I had just pushed aside my entire career, I was telling Kris, “this has more than paid for itself already!”  While I have always been very successful, it seemed to be much more of a struggle at times than it needed to be.  I now recognize that I had been continually dealing with limiting beliefs and fears.   These same limiting beliefs were making it very difficult for me to launch and grow my new business.

During our work together she has helped me to shift my beliefs and enabled me to move forward in a very powerful way. Kris has been very instrumental in helping me to capture the essence of what I have to offer my clients and how to package and market it.

Above all, Kris has an incredible skillset and compassionate approach to her work.  She is very quickly able to help me get to the bottom of the challenges I am facing and help to resolve them.  Now as I work on my business I don’t have to push through or carry along all of those challenges; I simply focus all of my energy on delivering all I have to offer to my clients.

Lori Becker

Before working with Kris, I was feeling paralyzed by the options available to me because I felt that it was important to not waste time making a choice that was the “wrong” one for me. In the end, that meant that I was doing very little beyond searching for validation or advice and felt frustrated with my lack of productivity.

I decided to work with Kris after I started getting her Inner Voice Bombs and was reminded that listening to my gut was an important part of making decisions in my life.

After my Human Design reading I started seeing results immediately. What I got from Kris was a sincere understanding and a sense that I could trust myself. She was excited about the things I wanted to do and offered me a way to feel good about spending time on the things I am most passionate about.

I feel so much more free to engage in my work in my own way. I used to be really caught up in what I thought my process “ought” to be or what a product “should” look like and after several hours with Kris, I became aware that the way I work is unique and that doesn’t mean it’s wrong. She enabled me to embrace my own passions and perspectives and reframe my thoughts around the things that are most important to me. Within one day, I had an essay accepted to a local magazine that I probably wouldn’t have had the courage to even pitch before.

Working with Kris is an absolute joy. Her enthusiasm for life and purposeful work is infectious and she will help you understand what it will take for you to be at your most effective in whatever you do.

K.O., Seattle, WA

I knew I needed help and structure for my business. I wasn’t nearly as successful as I knew I could be and was sure that getting help and support would help get and keep me on the right path.  After seeing Kris speak at a networking meeting, I was hooked. She was so grounded and her talk showed me that we share quite a few common principles and beliefs.  I started seeing results immediately!  During our VIP day, I clearly defined that my business was going to take a radical turn back into coaching (from tech training). I told her at the end of our day together, “My whole life makes sense.” It was a powerful moment for both of us.

After working with Kris, I have let go of several commitments that felt like weights around my neck. This has opened up quite a bit of time and space for me to develop new strategies and plans for this total shift in my business. My tech business boomed even though I stopped focusing on it. I created and scheduled my first workshop for my coaching practice.

If you are thinking of working with Kris I would say “Do it!” She’s got a razor sharp intuition that she delivers with love, compassion, and the occasional dose of butt kicking at the exact right moment.

Ericka, Seattle, WA

Before working with Kris, I was feeling stuck working for an agency. I had the idea that maybe this was the time to slowly start to build a private practice and transition out of the agency. I had no idea where to start. I bought a VIP package from Kris and within three months I had a business, cards, website and marketing strategy. There was no need to take it slow – Kris made it so easy!

I wanted to work with Kris because she has the experience of having her own practice and running her own business. She also has the expertise to help treat some of the underlying reasons for holding back – like the fear of putting yourself out there – She has the whole package!

After my first VIP meeting I started seeing results within days. I was able to move past previous blocks with a new awareness. I went from having an idea of building a practice to having a whole business plan – including clarity around the population I want to serve. I went from the thought of starting my practice in 6 months to having it up and running within a month!

I now have my own business! That is not something I could say a few months ago. I now have an exit strategy for leaving my agency and having a full time practice. My business model is working like planned and I am building my practice at a comfortable pace.

The time with Kris is invaluable. I am so grateful for her compassion, warmth, energy and knowledge. She truly has the whole package and can get you to where you need to be!

S., North Bend, WA