
From the cover:

If you’ve been confused or frustrated with how to change your mindset and secretly wonder “why haven’t I gotten past this ___ yet?” or “why do others seem to get it, when I don’t?” Life Well Spoken will help you understand – and transform – your mindset in a powerful way. If you feel called to lead, but also feel overwhelmed with the responsibility that leadership brings with it, you’ll find relief, solace and companionship within these pages.

Leading others begins with leading yourself, and frankly, sometimes that is not as easy as it sounds – until you know how. Learning to trust one’s inner authority, stop second-guessing oneself, and not taking things personally are all hallmarks of a powerful leader. Through real-life stories, examples and questions to free your Inner Voice, Life Well Spoken takes you behind the velvet curtain and into the lives and hearts of women who have been led by their Inner Voice and how their lives and businesses have never been the same.

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What others are saying about the book:

Kris Prochaska writes from her heart as she teaches readers how to tell the difference between the voice of God inviting them to their true purpose and the small critical voices of fear and self-doubt that seem so much louder. She shares in real life terms—no sugar coating—that the discernment can be challenging, and she provides information tools that will bring about amazing transformation.
Karen Lynn Maher

Book Writing Coach and Creator of the ExpertBook™ Made Simple Series

Keep this book close by because you will refer to Life Well Spoken over and over. It is like having twenty-four-hour access to Kris’ insight and wisdom on the knowledge we all seek: moving past our own fears and living in alignment by embracing our God given purpose. Kris speaks to you at the soul level; her words and story resonate deeply and motivate you to get started in a long awaited transformation.
Stacie Beam-Bruce

LICSW, CHT, Centerpoint Hypnotherapy & Counseling

Grab a cup of tea or something stronger and settle in for a read that will change the course of your life forever. In Life Well Spoken, Kris shares real life examples of how she and others have made the decision to listen to their own inner authority and portrays how taking small steps or slightly reframing even one belief can change everything for the better. You’ll find yourself reading along, nodding your head, and saying, “Hell, yeah,” as if Kris were in the room with you. This book is a brilliant blend of practical guidance and spiritual soul searching.”
Debbie Whitlock

Cash Flow Business Coach at Fast Track CFO, and Seattle Radio Host

Kris Prochaska’s book, Life Well Spoken, is one of those books that I highlighted more often than not—I might as well have highlighted the entire thing! As I read this powerfully honest book about how we all really need to be living our fullest lives, I laughed out loud, nodded along, and was deeply impacted. Kris’s sassy style is engaging and purely authentic. It is going on my list as one of my most quotable books!
Jessica Butts MA

Psychotherapist, Owner of Accomplish Magnificent Things

I know Kris personally and professionally and she’s the real deal. You’ll feel supported and in good company as you read Kris’ personal stories and interviews with others who have learned to listen and follow their own inner authority. Her book helps people understand intuition and how to listen to it. She shares the tools and techniques for hearing and understanding your inner truth and shows that listening to one’s Inner Voice is essential for good health, wealth, and a joyful life!
Krista Hopper

Senior Business Systems Analyst and Project Manager

Keep this charming book handy for moments when those voices of shame, guilt, or doubt start drowning out your wise Inner Voice. In Life Well Spoken, Kris Prochaska sets out on a deep, honest, and revealing exploration of what it means to be stuck in the ‘middle,’ the uncomfortably familiar place that lies between passive, blind acceptance of what happens to us and being conscious thought leaders fully in tune with our intuition. With her sparkling style and her fun and curious intelligence, Kris shares inspiring and instructive stories of her personal transformation, professional experience, and the journey she’s taken to discover and trust her own Inner Voice, and she makes sure you learn how you can, too.
Madeleine Eno

Writer & Marketing Strategist at In The Write Place

I have highlighted more in your book than I have in any book in probably the last two years. And I’m only on page 47. This is goooood!
Angella Johnson

I just started reading your book and I must say I feel like you are looking directly into my heart and soul. I am only on the second chapter, but I am right where you were and I am so inspired by what you have shared, because I too am not quite hitting the mark with my business, I am missing that one thing…I can feel it. Also for me as a single woman with a teenage daughter and not one person available to help $ and not enough $ to make ends meet it is feeling very risky, yet, exhilarating at the same time…maybe I am sick and twisted! Thank you for doing this work, I can hardly wait to dive into the next chapter of your book. It is sitting right in front of me just waiting for me to crack it open.

Dear Kris, I just wanted to share with you that I’ve only read the Acknowledgements so far of your book and two things struck me: 1. The “I got you” paragraph I completely resonated with. 2. the final sentence: “thank you God for designing me perfectly to do the work I am meant to do…” It dawned on me that what I have been viewing as flaws really are strengths in the work that I want to do. I can be very detail-oriented, and when stressed even more so. When I see that happen I take that as my cue to look at what is bothering me. I can’t wait to read your whole book. Thank you for being an example of putting it all out there. You’re writing and work has made my day.” Sincerely,

I have never read an entire book in a week in my life! Life Well Spoken had so many golden nuggets that left me wanting to know more. I have ear-marked so many pages and will definitely read these pages again and again. Thank you for putting your genius out there and opening us up to align with our own possibilities.
Lori Benns

Keep the Inner Voice Conversation Going


As leaders it is all too easy to fall into the trap of listening to the little voices of everyone else around you (colleagues, clients, spouse, in-laws, your parents, doctors, media, well-meaning friends). Even with the best of intentions, you may find yourself coming unglued, and feeling stressed – especially if you are sensitive, empathic, intuitive, or you live & work with others who are! 🙂

Even Highly Conscious leaders (or those that aspire to be) have things that go sideways sometimes. If you’ve been looking for your ‘people’, look no further: we got your back…and your spirit too. Check out the Offerings page where you can discover personalized attention and resources that take what I write about in Life Well Spoken, and help you get the Clarity, Courage, and Conviction you need to lead from your Inner Voice.

Whether you’re seeking for your own personal growth, or wanting tools to help you trust yourself and your Intuition, it all begins with you and which voices you’re listening to and speaking from. Learn how to discern those voices and learn valuable tools and techniques for staying grounded when the shit hits the fan (‘cause you know it will at some point!)

Want to see inside the book? CLICK BELOW & receive 2 free chapters of Life Well Spoken  OR just zip over to Amazon and order yourself a copy!